How Insensitive — Sting

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How Insensitive-Sting, минусовка. Продаётся.


Текст песни «How Insensitive» — Sting


How insensitive I must have seemed,
when she told me that she loved me.
How unmoved and cold I must have seemed,
when she told me so sincerely.
Why she must have asked did I just turn
and stare in icy silence ?
What was I to say ? What can you say ?
When a love affair is over.
Now she’s gone away
and I’m alone with the memry of her last look.
Vague and dream and sad,
I see it still all her heart beats in her last look.
How she must have asked could I just turn
and stare in icy silence ?
What was I to do ? What can I do ?
When a love affair is over.


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